5 New Salesforce Flow Features to Shout About in Winter ’21

 Each time the Salesforce discharge notes are distributed, I get directly to perusing them since I realize that there will be updates to Salesforce Flows. 

The Winter '21 delivery has new upgrades – and a lot of them to yell about! Here is the rundown of such's coming to Flows.  Visit Hic Global Solutions Salesforce Implementation Partners

1. Streams Can Handle Deletions 

I said this in my Winter '21 Treasure Hunt post, and it held the best position there as well – there's an explanation behind that! The capacity to deal with erased records is a capacity held exclusively by automatic engineers… as of not long ago. Administrators and snap to-code engineers presently have the ability to deal with capacities set off by a record cancellation. I really can't articulate how energized I am by this! 

One thing to note, you can't run an 'After Delete' Flow, just 'Before Delete'. This is distinctive to Create or Edit Flows. 

2. Troubleshoot Flows as Other Users 

Woohoo this will speed testing up a piece! Building a Flow is generally so much un, yet testing it for each other bothersome client in your organization is a bad dream! I'm kidding, obviously, without our clients there'd be no requirement for most of us – however this component will make the way toward building new highlights for our darling clients 

3. Investigate Auto launched Flows from Canvas 

Not any more opening a second tab just to see where you turned out badly! Presently you can investigate an Auto launched Flow and watch the way as it is tried (help anybody to remember Pardot Engagement Studio?) 

The best part – you never need to leave the Canvas! Basically click 'Troubleshoot on Canvas (Beta)' to investigate inside your present tab, at that point click 'Alter Flow' when you're set to continue altering. Simples! 

4. Auto-Layout… Enough Said! 

This one needn't bother with a protracted title – we as a whole realize what's coming! I know a previous associate of mine, Troy, will be overjoyed with this one (he HATES when the lines aren't straight between two Flow components). Not any more chaotic Flow Canvases, no additionally zooming out and choosing a lump of your Flow and moving it llll over to fit in another Assign component, AND NO MORE WONKY LINES! NO MORE! 

Stream currently sports Auto-Layout usefulness that permits you perfectly slip new components in where they have a place. An exceptionally foreseen highlight – thank you, Salesforce! 

5. Access Related Record Data 

Presently you can get to related records through a drill-down instead of utilizing a 'Get Records' component. This spares time for you when you're building, it keeps the canvas cleaner, and generally makes a superior encounter when attempting to keep up or update the Flow later on


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